How to Make Your Property Less Attractive to Raccoons

How to Make Your Property Less Attractive to Raccoons

Raccoons, those clever and inquisitive animals, are frequently on the lookout for shelter and food. Inadvertently, your property may become their destination of choice. To prevent these camouflaged marauders from making your property their home, you must make it less appealing to raccoons. By taking a few strategic measures, you can deter their presence and …

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Tackling Lawn Damage Skunks Impact on Your Yard and Solutions

Tackling Lawn Damage – Skunks’ Impact on Your Yard and Solutions

In the ever-changing choreography of urban wildlife, skunks occasionally steal the show with a performance that literally leaves its imprint in your yard. These tiny, nocturnal creatures, known for their distinct appearance and pungent spray, can also leave behind a path of destruction on your lawn. As we delve deeper into the topic of skunk-caused …

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Raccoon Proof Your Garden Keeping Your Plants Safe from Foragers

Raccoon-Proof Your Garden – Keeping Your Plants Safe from Foragers

When raccoons decide to visit your garden, which is a haven of blooming wonders and vibrant greens, it can rapidly become a battleground. These intelligent and opportunistic scavengers are renowned for their ability to unearth tasty treats in your garden beds, leaving a wake of mischief in their aftermath. The task of raccoon-proofing your garden …

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Skunk Families Managing Removal of Skunks With Babies

Skunk Families – Managing Removal of Skunks With Babies

The advent of spring in the enchanting world of urban wildlife brings with it new life and the pitter-patter of tiny paws. Skunks, with their distinctive markings and reputation for possessing foul-smelling defences, are not an exception. However, when skunk families move into human habitats, managing their eradication becomes a delicate endeavour requiring a considerate …

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Raccoons in The Attic The Longer They Stay In the Attic The More Problems They Cause

Raccoons in The Attic – The Longer They Stay In the Attic The More Problems They Cause

The attic, hidden away from our daily lives, is frequently overlooked until raccoons make it their home. Initially, these masked intruders may appear to be innocuous; however, the longer they remain in your attic, the more problems they cause. Understanding the progression of issues caused by raccoons in the attic emphasizes the importance of removal …

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Dealing with Skunk Spray Banishing the Stench and Removing Odors

Dealing with Skunk Spray – Banishing the Stench and Removing Odors

An unanticipated encounter with a skunk’s potent spray is among the most memorable of urban wildlife encounters. As a natural defence mechanism, skunk spray is notorious for its pungent odour and tenacity, leaving an indelible imprint on both our senses and the environment. When confronted with the difficulty of dealing with skunk spray, a strategic …

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Raccoon Cleanup 101 Dealing with Raccoon Feces and Contamination

Raccoon Cleanup 101 – Dealing with Raccoon Feces and Contamination

Raccoons have secured a position of intrigue and fascination in the intricate dance between urban landscapes and wildlife. However, when these intelligent animals invade your space, they may bring with them unwelcome companions, such as excrement and contamination. The aftermath of a raccoon infestation necessitates a meticulous approach to cleansing that prioritizes safety, health, and …

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Can Squirrels Chew Through Plastic Attic Roof Vents

Can Squirrels Chew Through Plastic Attic Roof Vents? Yes!

Squirrels have emerged as both attractive residents and persistent intruders in the intricate tapestry of nature’s creatures coexisting alongside human habitats. The ability of rodents to gnaw through plastic attic roof vents is a pressing concern for homeowners seeking to protect their dwellings. Unfortunately, the answer is an unequivocal yes. Squirrels are more than capable …

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What Are The Most Common Squirrel Entry Points and How To Prevent Entry

What Are The Most Common Squirrel Entry Points and How To Prevent Entry

Squirrels have proven to be resourceful and persistent when seeking refuge in the complex interplay between nature and human habitation. As the seasons change and the weather fluctuates, the attics, crawl spaces, and cozy crannies of our homes become more enticing to these agile creatures. Understanding the most common squirrel entry points and employing effective …

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