Why Do Squirrels Break Into Attics

Why Do Squirrels Break Into Attics

The rhythmic pitter-patter of tiny feet and the distinct sound of chewing can transform a tranquil home into a battleground when squirrels seek refuge in your attic. Why do squirrels break into attics in the first place? is a query that often confounds homeowners. Examining the causes of this behaviour reveals a complex interplay of instincts, survival strategies, and environmental factors that drives these agile animals to seek shelter in the most unexpected locations.

Protection and Shelter

The decision to invade an attic is fundamentally motivated by the primal need for shelter and protection. Attics provide squirrels with a safe and secluded place to build shelters and raise their young, away from predators and the elements. The enclosed environment of an attic offers protection from potential dangers in the neighbouring outdoor habitat.

Ideal Nesting Locations

Squirrels find attics hospitable for nesting due to a number of factors. The abundance of insulating materials, such as fibrous substances, provides squirrels with excellent nesting materials for constructing warm and comfortable dwellings for their young. The relative peace and privacy of an attic make it an attractive alternative to natural nesting sites in trees or shrubbery.

Seasonal Changes

Typically, squirrel infestations coincide with seasonal variations. In the winter, squirrels may seek out warmer interior spaces to escape the cold, whereas in the summer, they may seek refuge in attics. As the seasons change, so do their priorities, prompting them to investigate new habitats, including human residences.

Producing and Raising Offspring

Attics provide a secluded and protected environment suitable for rearing their young. Taking advantage of the security and insulation that attics provide, female squirrels may seek out attics to give birth and care for their offspring. This natural instinct to ensure the survival of their offspring compels them to locate the optimal nesting location.

Asset Acquisition

Squirrels are renowned for their hoarding behaviour, which involves accumulating and storing food for times of scarcity. Inadvertently, attics can provide squirrels with access to food sources, including pet food, birdseed, and the occasional neglected snack. The proximity of a prospective food source can be a significant motivator for squirrels to invade attics.

Competition for Nesting

In urban and suburban environments, the availability of appropriate nesting sites can be limited, leading to competition among squirrels for prime locations. With their attractive qualities, attics may become contested territories as squirrels compete for the best nesting sites to ensure the survival of their offspring.

In conclusion, squirrels are motivated by a combination of instinctual behaviour, survival strategies, and opportunistic tendencies when they breach into attics. This behaviour is influenced by seeking shelter, safety, and suitable nesting sites, as well as taking advantage of seasonal changes and potential sustenance sources. Understanding the underlying causes of squirrel attic invasions can cast light on the complex relationship between wildlife and human habitats as homeowners battle these intruders. By striking a balance between coexistence and the implementation of effective prevention measures, both squirrels and householders can coexist peacefully in the urban environment.

Contact us for more information about our Humane squirrel removal services in Oshawa.