Raccoon Invasion Signs You Have Unwanted Guests in Your Attic

Raccoon Invasion – Signs You Have Unwanted Guests in Your Attic

In the world of people’s homes, a quiet but determined invader might be living in the last place you’d expect: your attic. The raccoon is very sneaky and smart, and it has the amazing ability to sneak into our homes without leaving any signs. In this expose, we show you the telltale signs of a raccoon attack. This will help you figure out where they are hiding and take action.

Strange Noises from Above:

The sounds of rustling, digging, and running around in the attic during the quiet hours of the night are a clear sign that you don’t want them there. Raccoons are good at climbing, so they often use attics to nest and stay safe. These strange sounds should make people want to find out more about them.

Weird Paw Prints:

If you look at the outside of your house, you might find another sign of a raccoon attack. Raccoons are constantly trying to get in, as shown by claw marks or chewing on entry spots like rooflines, vents, or eaves. The fact that they are trying hard to get through your defences shows that they are there.

Tumult in the Trash Can:

Raccoons are always looking for easy ways to get food, like your outdoor trash cans. Raccoons are likely to visit if your trash cans get messy all of a sudden and stay that way for a while. Because they are good at finding food, they often come to your home looking for easy food.

Bad Smells That Last:

If your attic has a strong, unpleasant smell, it could be because raccoon urine and feces are there. Raccoons usually make their dens in dark, quiet places like attics when they need a place to live. When their waste builds up, it can give off a strong smell that you can smell all over your home.

Insulation and wiring that are broken:

Invasion by raccoons can cause a lot of damage, not just annoyance. They might rip up insulation and use it to build nests, which would make your home less energy-efficient. Also, raccoons have been known to chew on wires, which can cause a fire danger and expensive electrical problems.

Gardens and lawns that are messed up:

Your well-kept yard or lawn could become a feast for raccoons without your knowledge. In their search for bugs, grubs, and worms, they can leave behind messes like turned-over dirt or torn-up patches of grass. These changes are signs that they are looking for food.

Oily Tracks and Marks:

When raccoons walk on a surface, they often leave greasy paw prints and smudges. These signs can be found at the entrances to attics, on walls, or even on window sills. The oils on their paws rub off onto objects and give a unique sign that they are there.

A raccoon invasion isn’t just a nuisance; it’s a call to action that needs to be taken right away. If you notice these minor signs early, you can take care of the problem right away and keep your home safe from damage and health risks. Understanding these clear signs can make all the difference in bringing peace and security back to your home, from strange noises and suspicious claw marks to the mess they leave behind when they eat.

Contact us for more information about our Humane Raccoon Removal Oshawa service.